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Port Dalhousie – Lakeside Park, Beach, Lighthouse (FREE Admission & Parking)
Port Dalhousie Lighthouse
Lakeside Beach

Lakeside Park
In the heart of Niagara’s Grape growing region, Port Dalhousie, St. Catharines is the best kept secret in the entire Niagara Peninsula. This quaint, historic harbourfront village, on the south shores of Lake Ontario, is the terminus of the first three Welland canals, built in 1820, 1845 and 1889. For almost 100 years, Port Dalhousie has been home to the Royal Canadian Henley Regatta, inviting rowers from all over the world to compete on the Martindale Pond; the site of the “1999 World Rowing Games”.
You will discover a treasure trove of heritage structures and breathtaking sites including two lighthouses dating from the late 1800’s, an antique carousel hosting rides at the nostalgic price of 5 Cents a ride and the smallest jailhouse in Ontario, which was built in 1845.
Whatever the season, the engaging nature of Old Port Dalhousie is sure to please everyone. Smartly refurbished historic buildings house galleries, fashions, eclectic boutiques, casual/fine dining restaurants specialty services and boat cruises. Entertainment includes live theatre presentations.
Come and be a part of our historical harbourfront village and rediscover Mother Natures’s beauty, as you walk, jog or run along the beach, the Harbour Walkway or in the parks – all accented by vessels in the marinas and fishermen taking in their catch of the day.
Address: 1 Lakeport Road, St. Catharines, ON L2N 5B3
Phone: 905.937.4783 Port Dalhousie Business Association
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