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USA Niagara Falls State Park (FREE): There’s no closer place to feel Niagara’s flow!
Niagara Falls State Park VacationGet Closer to Niagara!
A North American natural wonder, Niagara Falls flows with scenic might through Niagara Falls State Park. And just beyond its waterfall vistas, Niagara is filled with splendid discoveries and fantastic attractions.

Pictures are great, but getting close enough to touch Niagara Falls inspires genuine awe. Millions of gallons of water rocket over Niagara Falls every minute – about 750,000 gallons each second! There’s no closer place to “feel Niagara’s flow” than from the decks, boats, vista points and trails of Niagara Falls State Park – America’s oldest state park.
With sparkling scenery, thrilling attractions, family-friendly and interactive exhibits, miles of hiking trails and delectable dining options, Niagara Falls State Park gets you closer to the Falls than anywhere else. The park features classic adventures and vacation amenities to make the most of your trip, and no passport is needed to experience an unforgettable and breathtaking Niagara Falls vacation.
Dine at the Top of the Falls Restaurant, stand within feet of the Falls at the Cave of the Winds Tour, meet the legends and daredevils of Niagara in the Niagara: Legends of Adventure movie, make friends with the sea life at the Aquarium of Niagara and let the water cascade around you during the Maid of the Mist® boat ride.
It’s all here – start planning your Niagara Falls vacation experience today.
For additional information, please call Niagara Falls State Park at (716) 278-1796.
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