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[书籍] 需要 ACTG 3P11 位置的同学, 请看过来!

artist 发表于 2014-5-8 22:32:08 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式
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To whom it may concern:

First of all, We are as desperately as you are to get a spot for 3p11。We have talked to the instructor and talked to the academic adviser. ( Probably you have tried the same. ) Yet we did not get any sorts of hope or any kind of solution to be able to register on this class so far.

We know how important it is to be able to sit in the class. Because time is valve.

So we thought we should write a letter to the Chair of the Accounting Department to seek for help.  If it's approved, you will be a beneficiary too. Now we wish you can join us as we are looking for more signature and support. The more signature we have, the more attention we can draw from the chair. We don't see selling and buying spots on market is a good sign of Goodman Business school and it sure should not to be like this in the future.

Let's all think out of the box and help ourself in another possibility.

We are looking forward seeing your response soon.

Thank you and good luck with your study!

May all the best be in your favour.

Sincerely yours,

Future Classmates in ACTG3p11

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