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渥太华东部Place d'Orléans三月假期及Easter儿童游乐活动

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Place d’Orléans has everything you need to have fun this #MarchBreak! Find all your shopping needs while you and your little ones enjoy live entertainment throughout the week.

Visit us to attend one or all of these exciting experiences:

Little Ray’s Reptiles – Monday, March 11 from 11 AM - 12 PM in BMO Court
Mastermind Toys – Tuesday, March 12 from 11AM - 1 PM in BMO Court
The Zoo Crew – Wednesday, March 13 from 11AM - 1 PM in BMO Court
IndigoSpirit – Thursday, March 14 from 11AM - 1 PM in BMO Court
Monkey Rock Music – Friday, March 15 from 2PM - 3 PM in BMO Court
Special visits from the Easter Bunny – March 11-30 in AUB44 Court

We can’t wait to see you there!

Bunny Magic is back!

Book your Easter Bunny photo experience now!

Bunny Cares

Our sensory friendly Bunny event is on Sunday, March 17th with limited spaces available, and reservation only.

Place d'Orleans
110 Place d'Orleans Dr., Orleans, ON K1C2L9
14 guests shopping now
Hop over for Easter Bunny pictures at Place d'Orleans!

Please Note: Multiple families are scheduled during the selected 15-minute time

Set Location: AUB44 Court near Entrance 2 near Mark’s Work Warehouse

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